Sunday, April 12, 2009

My First Post!!

Well, I've been talking a lot about losing weight and being healthier, and I hope that doing this blog will help keep me motivated! I used to do Weight Watchers, and part of the reason that worked so well for me was because I had to step on that scale and explain to my coach why I gained 7 lbs in the last week!! I think that not having to account to anybody about my weight is part of the reason I've gained back 20 of the 30 lbs I lost last year. So, I'll try to blog pretty often, plus I'm going to have a weekly weigh in when I say how much I've lost so far, even if I've gained. I'm not comfortable putting my weight up here yet, so we'll just track it by pounds lost. :) I'll also try to set a goal each Sunday of what I want to accomplish that week. If any of you want to join with me on that weeks goal, just comment and let me know. Or comment about what your goal will be for the week.

My goal for this week is to track EVERYTHING I EAT!! I use to track it, but often times I 'accidentally' forget to track that candy bar I just shoveled in!! So what is your goal?


Anonymous said...

Yeah! You can do this! my goal this week is to exercise EVERY DAY! Tracking food is hard to do but very helpful and revealing. I'm very proud of you!!